June 15, 2007

Neale, John Mason & Baker, Henry Williams

Of the Father's Love Begotten


52 copies


Vocal Section No. 3

Manager's Note:

The Yale Institute of Sacred Music website states that, "In 1851 John Mason Neale, a guiding light of the Oxford movement in worship, architecture, and hymnody, translated and versified the Latin text as 'Of the Father's Love Begotten.' Translation always modifies the original, especially in hymnody, where stringent rules of meter and rhyme must be observed. Even the opening line of the English translation departs significantly from the Latin, which is literally "born of the parent's heart." Neale's English text was revised by Henry Williams Baker for inclusion in the first edition of the monumental
Hymns Ancient and Modern in 1861. A doxological stanza was added at a later date."

More information is available at the