The Arts Ensemble Library
The Arts Ensemble Library houses music resources of the Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts, and is housed in the Arts Office in Northside Hall. The bulk of the materials is in the form of ensemble sheet music, encompassing symphonic, choral, jazz, wind, and youth ensemble selections. Other resources include thousands of LPs, conductor's and miniature/study scores, and reference material on music.
The AELO project is intended to place the catalogs of the Arts Ensemble Library online. It is an ongoing long-term project, with catalogs currently being uploaded. While the ensemble music is reserved for use for the various university ensembles, requests for other materials can be made by emailling the Manager at afilmer@iusb.edu. Alternatively, quick questions can be posted in the discussion area in the side bar.
Using AELO
The following links will help introduce the various tools available in this website:
The Search Engine
The Discussion Area
Obtaining a File
If you would prefer just to browse, the files are being uploaded in reverse alphabetical order so that if you click on the "Older Posts" link, you will be able to go through the music in alphabetical order. You may want to select your category before browsing. Currently, the symphonic section has been uploaded, and the vocal section is in progress.